We need your support!

Help us sustain community art in the City of Lake Oswego

The Arts Council of Lake Oswego is a 501 (c) 3 organization and our EIN number is: 93-1278854. Your support of the Arts Council of Lake Oswego ensures that arts are an integral part of life in our community, now and into the future.

Where does your donation go?

  1. Supports the nationally recognized Gallery Without Walls public art program with placement and preservation.

  2. Provides free access to art exhibits for residents and visitors.

  3. Advances lifelong learning about the arts through educational programs and docent tours.

If you would  rather mail a donation, please send to:

Arts Council of Lake Oswego
PO Box 369, Lake Oswego, OR 97034

We bring the gift of art to the community all year long. Please consider making a tax-deductible, contribution to the Arts Council.

Make a donation to the Arts Council and make a matching gift to the Oregon Cultural Trust and you can claim your entire contribution to the Trust as a tax credit! Click here for more details.